
ICAI Representation for Extension of GSTR-9 Due date for FY 2018-19

ICAI Representation for GSTR-9 Due date Extension for FY 2018-19:

The biggest talk of the show in the year 2020 is COVID-19. It has affected almost everything in the world including trade and industry. It has a global impact and affected millions of people worldwide. Same is the case in India wherein day by day situation is getting worse and it has become difficult to do business and run the economy. Government is working hard to fight with this situations. Most of the offices are working at 10-15% capacity and unable to comply with the requirement on time. Keeping the practical aspects in mind, ICAI (an proactive body being a partner in nation building) has came forward to make a representation to Joint Secretary of GST Council for extension of GST Annual Return and GST Audit due date to provide a relief to trade and industry. This will be relaxation for Taxpayers to Trade and combating the Circumstances arising out of COVID-19.

ICAI Representation for GSTR-9 Due date Extension

ICAI Representation for GSTR-9 Due date Extension

The Representation is given below for your reference:



(Set up by an Act of Parliament)


10th September, 2020

Shri S K Rahman,
Joint Secretary,
Goods and Services Tax Council,
5th Floor, Tower II, Jeevan Bharti Building,
janpath Road, Connaught Place,
New Delhi-110 001

Esteemed Sir,

Reg: Request for extension of Annual returns in Form GSTR 9 and GSTR 9A along with GST Audit Certificate in GSTR 9C from September 30, 2020 to December 31, 2020

The Institute, being a partner in nation building, has always been proactively supporting the Government in implementation of GST by providing suggestions at each stage of development, be it pre-implementation or post-implementation of GST, be it on policy issues or procedural aspects. Further, Institute has been playing crucial role in GST Knowledge Dissemination among all the stakeholders through our technical publications, GST Newsletter, Live Webcasts, E-learning, Courses, Conferences and programme.


It is evident that COVID — 19 (Coronavirus) has affected the entire world including India. The Word Health Organisation (WHO) has announced COVID — 19 outbreaks a pandemic. Majority of the offices are working only partially. Life has almost comes to standstill and people are working for survival.

Therefore, we request your goodself to provide appropriate relaxation to the registered person and extend due dates of filing GST Annual return and GST Audit for the year 2018-19 by three month till December, 31 2020. This would provide needed relaxation to the trade, in combating the circumstances arising out of Coronavirus.

We would be very grateful if a suitable order may be issued to this effect at the earliest. We shall be glad to provide any further input as may be required and your office may reach us at or 9310542608.

The other news relating to GST and Income tax can be read here.

Download Representation for GSTR-9 Due date Extension here.

If you would like to visit to Official website of ICAI Indirect Tax Committee, please click here.

Watch related video on our YouTube channel.


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